Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 24 TSFL

I got on the scale this morning to see what progress I had made since weighing in at 158 on Monday after working out the pas couple of days and was very surprised and happy to see 155.6.  Very exciting news! But what's better is how great I feel. I do not feel like I'm pushing myself too much or that I'll eat more food because I'm working out too much - I generally feel good. Today I had to sit through a couple of long trainings and at one point I literally had to stand up because I didn't want to be sitting anymore.

I was happy to get back into the weight room today and do some lifting. It feels great to start building that muscle back up (slowly but surely). I'm hoping to keep to some sort of a pattern but realizing that the next couple weeks of work are going to be really crazy.  We interviewed a new Assistant Director today which required me going out to eat lunch and then again dinner.... For lunch I had a garden salad essentially with salad dressing on the side. It came with some bread who I gave to my director to eat.  Then for dinner I had the salmon which tasted delicious so i'm sure it was prepared with some additives and it was on top of some greens with some dressing again (which I asked for on the side but they did not do that(. Needless to say I probably went over a little today but I don't think enough to reset me back to day 1 of fat burn because if anything I went overboard on the salad stuff and really tried to make conscious choices about what I was eating.. Overall I'd give myself an A :) 

Next few days are going to be good but busy.  Tomorrow is my last real day in the office. Friday I'm off but there's a meeting I have to go to at the Rec Center and then a BBQ, Saturday I have a ropes course for 6 - 7 hours. Sunday begins Miami Bound (40 incoming freshmen students coming to Miami a week early to experience what we have to offer)

Tomorrow = office day
Friday = Off but meeting in evening and BBQ for work (off day but still going in for a little bit)
Saturday = All day ropes course
Sunday = Training for Miami Bound Staff and pre-meeting for students
Monday = all day on the ropes course
Tuesday = hiking and rock climbing
Wednesday = Canoeing 9 miles
Thursday = River Zip Line tour ; Thursday evening = Welcome Week block party.  (Not sure how I'm going to work a 7a-2p and 5p-11p day and eat meals and still be functioning following 5 to 1 simply due to the fact I'll be up so much) Eating every three hours will still leave me missing out on food by the time I get home at midnight. 
Friday = All day staff training
Saturday = PM staff training
Sunday = All day staff training
Monday = OFF :) (First official day of school for students)

* Let's just say the no-prep meals are going to be my friends :) 


  1. AWESOME!!! Can I come work there? It sounds like WAY more fun than what I do. :-)

  2. Ditto! Remember with all this activity and building muscle to not focus exclusively on the scale to see progress; pay attention to waste size, disappearing fat, and how you look & feel!
