Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 20 & 21 TSFL

I had so much fun at the wedding this weekend!  It was great to enjoy one of my best friends special days and not be completely overboard trying to think about what I am eating and what I'm not. Although I still was pretty cognoscente of how much I was putting in my body and what I was putting in my body I was very proud of how this weekend went.  Instead of focusing on the decisions I made which probably weren't the best I want to focus on what I did well

The Bride to be / one of my best friends / Katy Workman *Now Katy Klug!

1) I was prepared - I brought Medifast bars with me throughout the weekend to help keep my energy up and to snack on so I was not starved (the only time this really failed was when we were doing wedding and pics and reception but otherwise - success
2) I watched how much I was putting in my body. I still took part in the food that was provided but I was very conscious by how much I was putting in my body and would push the plate away and stop eating as soon as I realized I was getting close to hungry.  I went a little overboard at times and felt much more full than I have the past three weeks but prior to TSFL I KNOW I would have eaten much more throughout this weekend
3) I ate half(s).  There were many meals that were entirely too large and even the portion of wedding cake (which was delicious. I know in the past I would have forced myself to eat it all but instead I tried to cut the portion in half and eat just the half. Still very delicious food that was not the best for me BUT I also want to be the friend who supports those she loves on the once in a lifetime day.  

Chris & I before the wedding reception 

When I started this process towards a healthier life I made the decision to truly not let my weight loss effort (phase 1) control my life.  I do not want to be that friend or bride who is disrespectful and won't partake in food or drink and events because I'm nervous about my weight going off. Yes, I want to lose my weight and yes I want to be healthy but I honestly can't stand it when people put money and effort into buying food or things for someone and they don't eat any of it because they are dieting. Except of this weekend I have participated in a wedding reception, a cookout, and other social events where I felt it was appropriate for me to not eat the food necessarily other than veggies and still be social.  This weekend that would have been impossible for me to do without really insulting people that I love and I stand by that decision.

Walking down the isle in my bridesmaid dress
That being said when today started I am back on Day 1 kind of. So far, no real hunger pains although I'm probably still catching up from yesterday. When I got home and got on the scale around 3pm and weighed in about 158.0  which is much better than I hoped.  Remember I weighed in at 156.8 on Friday but given the fact this is the afternoon and I've already eaten a few meals and so forth who knows.  I knew I was going to gain some weight because I honestly took in more calories than I spent (especially because i had some drinks). But, I didn't ruin what I was going for. Yes, the food was very tasty but I still kept the lookout of trying to make good decisions and I'm excited to get back on the plan today and hopefully find time to workout this week before chaos and stress take over in the next couple of weeks.  

Chris & me at the wedding reception!

Overall had such an amazing weekend with Katy and Justin and am so happy for them.  Feeling a bit more optimistic and looking forward to my continued weight loss... 


  1. Hey Maureen - we too were away this weekend at my parents in NH and we had a party to go to on Sat to celebrate a close friend's wedding (he was my next door neighbor growing up). So I am just now catching up on your blog entries since last Thur. Congratulations on doing a fantastic job with your weekend balancing your desires to enjoy and celebrate and NOT be ruled by food choices. Some weight gain is always to be expected after veering off plan, but I've been shocked that my gains are usually no more than a few pounds at most. The best part is that when you get back on 5&1 - they are usually gone within 4 or 5 days. At least they were for me. the trick then becomes NOT allowing yourself to yoyo by indulging again the next weekend.

    Now - maybe it is a little different for guys and girls, but try not to let plateauing discourage you. That is NORMAL and it happens to everyone. The timing may vary and the amounts of weight lost may vary. The key is - DON'T GIVE UP!!! Your body WILL acclimate to the new lower calorie intake and the weight loss does tend to slow down - it can happen after a just a few weeks. When that happens there are a few things to do - start kicking UP your non exercise activity (finding more stairs to climb each day, walking longer, sitting more erect and without using the chair back - this burns more calories because you are using your core to hold your posture), and if time & energy permit kick your exercise up a notch. Remember to vary your workout routines so your body doesn't get used to it. Also - drink more ice water or cold drinks (forces your body to burn more cals to keep you warm). Remember to stay well hydrated. Push through these plateaus and the weight loss WILL kick back in. Trust me. I plateaued at certain point in my journey - sometimes for more than a month - and usually because I veered off plan on weekends by a little. It's fine once in awhile, but week after week of cheats on the weekends will stall progress.

    So I was down at 197 a couple weeks ago and was starting transition (slowing adding more cals and foods back in) - and I have noticed that my weight was pretty stable but still had climbed a little (back to about 200 on Fri). But this weekend I splurged a fair amount (beer, wine, desserts, bread, etc.) and today I was up at 204. So now I have to get back to being more strict and possibly even go back to 5&1 for a week to get the weight back off. But the beauty is - I KNOW that I can do that. It's easy.

    So - anyway - just a word of encouragement to STICK WITH IT!!! You WILL reach your goal as long as you don't give up. Reach out to Theresa ANY time you are feeling discouraged and she will be happy to help you figure out how best to get past these plateaus. Cheers!

  2. Thanks for such a great comment, Chuck!

    And Maureen, one word: GORGEOUS! You looks so pretty as a bride's maid!

    Remember, you are building optimal health so you can create life around what matters most to YOU. You practiced those principles this weekend being mindful of your health but putting your relationships and joy of living first.I can tell you that you probably didn't gain anything if you are only up a 1.2lbs on an afternoon weight in. See how you will be able to maintain your healthy weight when the time comes while still enjoying life?

    Also, Chuck is correct about plateaus being normal. The pattern of weight is usually a stair-step; it's the way our body works. Don't hang too much on what the scale says; pay attention to how your feel, measurements, and how clothes fit. If you plateau for more than a few day, try some of the tips at

    One last thought, you posted that one of your lean & greens was chicken and tomatoes. Make sure you're getting enough vegetables and enough variety (3 full serving per day: 1/2 cup per serving for most with 1 cup per serving for raw salad greens). Believe it or not, you can slow the fat burn by eating too little as well as too much!
