Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weight Loss Journey

Today I decided to start a blog. I want to do this to keep myself accountable but also to be honest about the program itself that I have decided to take part in.  I am essentially working with a health coach and will be following a 5 to 1 plan. I have ordered pre meals and will begin my weight loss journey a week from Monday.  There is a delay in starting this program because the first three weeks they ask that participants in the program decrease their amount of exercise. 

Right now I need to lose about 35lbs. I'm nervous to fail in this journey and know the first few days couple of weeks will be difficult. One of the main motivations is my upcoming wedding but also my future health. 

As I prepare for this journey I have already begun to make better decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Maureen, this is fantastic! You are keeping your "why" front and center which will keep you moving forward. Just remember there's a whole life after your wedding. What else will "healthy Maureen" be able to do and be in her life with optimal health?
