Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 5 TSFL

Day Five - if you would have asked me this morning how I felt I'd say awake, alert, but not as prepared as I wished.  If it weren't for the TSFL motivation I probably could have easily faltered. Mostly this is because I didn't prepare my meals as best as I should have Thursday night.  I woke up and I was very flustered but took the time to actually put everything together.  I have to find an alternative for my lean and green while at work. I have decided that I can't keep eating tuna every day (I'll get bored) and I definitely need to purchase some more veggies.  My veggies are running out quickly... Right now I only have celery and broccoli - both don't sound very good to me right now. I'm thinking I might bring the celery tomorrow when I'm canoeing with my best friend Lisa.  I think I need very specific ideas like go to Meijer and purchase "blank". I don't know..... I want to be successful!  I'm not sure about the lean and green meal. I'm thinking I might try to make her something for the afternoon as we go out.  I'm just going to stick to the Medifast meals while on the water and then eat my lean and green for dinner.  

I need to start researching and seeing if I can start brining other meat items with me for lunch.  For instance, if I could just pack cut up turkey - something nice and easy that would be great. I have a feeling all turkey that is easy to pack up I could find at the store is not going to be 95-97% lean. Unfortunately with a 40 minute drive I need to quickly figure out some lunches that I can bring with me for work for, well, the rest of my life!  I want to have healthy meals that I can bring with me.  Even if it requires some meal preparation on the weekend or in the evenings.  My biggest struggle right now is just lack of knowledge and experience.  

Shoot - as I'm reviewing my QuickStart guide for the 100th time I realized that I've been off plan. I've been eating a 5-oz portion of tuna for lunch and adding 2 healthy fat servings.  Apparently tuna falls under the "Lean" category which doesn't allow for any healthy fat servings... I'm still making progress but something good to find out earlier on I guess. Although I'm confused because on Healthy Fats page it says that I need at least two servings... Ugh - good question for Theresa I guess.

Tomorrow is going to start my days of exercise with hopefully an 8 mile canoe trip.  Sunday & Monday I'm doing ropes course programming so there will be lots of walking around and work related exercise. Much more activity then I've had around the office this week. Although I have made conscious efforts to take the stairs multiple times and walk through the recreation center to fill up my water bottle.  *Something I need to continue to get better at. 

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