Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day Two on TSFL Diet

Today was a good day overall. I believe I made much healthier decisions than I would have if it were not for TSFL.  I am, though, pretty tired and have a mild/severe headache. Although according to my TSFL coach this is incredibly common in the first three days of the diet because of how your body enters into the "fat burn" stage. All I can say is I'm really looking forward to that stage. I don't mind being tired necessarily but I could really do without this headache.  

Today I may have overdone it. First off I had a meeting across campus that I decided to walk to and back.  While this is normally not a bad idea I think it might have been a bit overzealous for the second day of this diet. I was smart enough to grab my mid-afternoon snack and bring it to the meeting though. After the meeting I stopped half-way back at Shriver and ate the rest of the snack and got a large Iced Tea to drink.  This helped carry me onto lunch but I could definitely feel my energy sinking fast!  

We also had an evening reception for HRDBS and all of the new Resident Life Staff. It was great to meet everyone in a social setting. Of course they had lots of tasty foods that looked delicious and punch and sodas, etc. I took one look around and decided I'd put my back to the snack table and opted to get a big glass of water.  Typically in situations like that I find myself nervously eating because I'm uncomfortable with socializing a ton and eating the food makes me feel more at ease - plus it typically is extremely delicious.  It helped me to look around the table and notice that there were some other individuals who were also opting not to go ahead and help themselves to the food, but it was still a conscious decision I had to make to stay away.  Towards the end of the hour I was surprised by how little I was really still thinking about it.  

I did rush home to eat my lean and green meal today. I think today went better because I opted to just throw a grilled chicken breast into the microwave and have been munching on celery. Yesterday I did not do a good job of eating enough vegetables so I'm trying to make sure I eat all of the celery. I've never really been a veggies person to be honest. Although i did notice that tomatoes are on the approved list of veggies to eat which makes me very happy since we are growing some tomatoes in our garden and I love them!  That may be my "go to" veggie.  

Chris (my fiancé) is at the grocery store. I tried to load him up with as many of the healthy options as possible. Particularly tuna!  I think it's going to work out better if I'm able to do my lean/green meal during lunch and then use the evenings to have the 5 TSFL meal choices.  I think this would be better simply because by the time I get home I really don't feel like cooking a ton after working a full day and would rather just do something quickly/easily.  I think that's what got me in trouble in the past. Mostly because my quick/easy was going out to get something to eat, or cooking too much food because I was so hungry.  A lot of times though I would easily get full by simply having a bowl of cereal which I love and hope that I'll be able to eat again some day after I get back down to my desired weigh. 

I am tempted to jump on the scale right now but I am purposefully going to wait until Monday to re-weigh myself. I think a lot of times my impatience leads to me giving up on diets. Therefore, I'm going to try to be patient and just weigh in once a week as recommended.  I do have different prizes I'm giving myself for every 5lbs lost. I've posted these prizes on my fridge at home and in my office to remind myself that there are perks to following through with what I'm trying to do.  

168 start weight
165 Bubble Bath
160 Eye brow wax
155 Pedicure
150 Highlights/haircut
145 New Climbing Shoes
140 New dress
135 Raincoat
130 Ideas?  I want it to be something big that I can celebrate with and obviously something that is not associated with food in any way. (Goal Weight)

Oh well - I think I might share this link with TSFL group but will wait to post for everyone else to see after I've lost at least some weight.  I don't mind this being public - I just want to be successful. Maybe some day I'll coach like Theresa mentioned but I have to prove to myself that I can do this for life first. 

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