Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 16 TSFL

Today has been another good day of making good decisions.  I feel better and healthier. Excited for the wedding this weekend and excited to talk to my health coach tomorrow regarding the wedding and other information.  I'm hoping that I will continue to see weight loss and be successful. Overall I just feel healthier which is great.

I've been doing my lean and green meal at Shriver Center and brining a can of tuna and making a salad at the market.  They don't really have any lean green items or at least none that I'm comfortable with meeting what I want to meet. Needless to say the past couple of days I've been very full after this meal and feeling good!  

Hoping to see some progress next week and might weigh myself before leaving for the weekend. I'm a little nervous that my weight won't continue to decrease despite the reduced calories I'm eating.


  1. Don't get too obsessive about the weight. Yes - weight loss IS a part of your goal, but only a part. The real goal is to reach YOUR optimal health. Reducing weight and reaching a healthy BMI is one objective. Keep expanding your definition of what YOU want optimal health to mean for you (adding in fitness goals, sleep goals, spiritual goals, learning goals, etc.). That way - your morale is less determined by your day to day / week to week weight - and more determined by your lifelong progress towards and living with OPTIMAL health! All of these combine in a virtuous feedback loop to reinforce your daily decisions to take each step on the journey. You know in advance that there will be ups and downs. Your weight loss rate will fluctuate - but every day you are taking steps in the right direction - so it isn't a race to "get there" - it's learning the habits that make each day a joyful journey to experience. The destination is just a wonderful by product! Cheers!!

  2. Didn't mean that post to sound so "command" like. Just suggestions that I think will help you. Do whatever works for you. So far - you're doing spectacularly well. :-)

  3. Can't add anything to what Chuck said, except to say that you are an amazing client and keep working at the inner change and your horizons will open wide!
