Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 11 TSFL

Well i did something I shouldn't have done.  I stepped on the scale first thing this morning and was pretty disappointed when I looked and saw I had gone from 158.8 to 158.4 since Monday. Considering I spent Tuesday mulching and yesterday doing weights I was really hoping to see more drastic results than that. But then again, that's why I'm not the most patient person... I have to remember to only weigh in once a week and any sort of decrease should be celebrated.  I do feel better and I do feel like I'm starting to look a little different as far as the weight loss goes.  Focusing on weight lifting will help me tone up more which would be nice overall. Chris says he can see a bit of a difference too which is very encouraging.  

They say doing TSFL you should lose 5-7 pounds for the first two weeks and then 1-2 afterwards.  I think I'm probably entering the 1-2 phase which means I should really try to step up my exercise.  I didn't feel too hungry and since I was already fairly active before I don't think I need to wait until week 3 to start really trying to get in a good workout. I'm still going to somewhat take it easy initially. Today is going to be hard to sneak in a workout because I'm on the radio while at the Rec Center. That means I have to find someone to cover it for me while I work out and there's s giant administrative meeting occurring today for all directors... Oh well.  My hopes was to be down to 155 by Katy's wedding which is August 10th.  I felt like losing 10lbs wasn't too incredibly drastic of a goal to try to reach.  So, I have 3.2 lbs to lose in 9 days or so... 

The only thing I can think of that I might not be doing or as strict on is drinking water while I'm at work. When I'm home it's a lot easier for me to remember to keep drinking water throughout the day but while at work I get very distracted.  I still drink a lot more than I used to but maybe that's impacting how my body is interacting and not helping me lose the weight as effectively?  Unsure.  

As mentioned I work a late night tonight 12p-9p so I'm bringing all of my meals with me.  I think I'm definitely going to be sticking to the grab an go snacks from now on since that's more my lifestyle then sit down and microwave something.  

1 comment:

  1. Water consumption can be a factor, so be mindful of it. There are a couple of other things to consider:
    1)Exercise with a lower calorie intake is a stressor to the body and can actually slow down the fat burn initially until your body adjusts.
    2) Weight training doesn't yield as immediate results as cardio. The breaking down and rebuilding of muscle fiber takes longer and doesn't expend as many calories. The increased muscle fibers will eventually start burning more calories - even when you're at rest! BUT increased muscle fiber will also weigh more than fat. So, as you go along, start paying attention to your waist circumference and other measurements in addition to your weight.
