Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day Six TSFL

I don't expect today's post to be very long.  Had my best friend from kindergarden come up to visit me today which was an absolute blast. We went to IKEA and Jungle Jims.  At IKEA I had my lean and green I was nervous about it because this is the first time I just had to find something that was healthy outside of cooking it myself.  I was so nervous about whether I made the right choice that I took a picture and sent it to my health coach. She approved so I went on and enjoyed the rest of my day. 

I feel like I could have worked out today. I did spend all day walking around shopping with Lisa. I'm a bit tired right now but I'm also not hungry at all. I'm almost forcing myself to eat every three hours one of the snacks.  I wonder if this is common... 

I work the next six days - so hopefully I'll continue to be successful. Next Saturday there's a wedding reception and the next weekend an entire wedding weekend!  Just trying to make good choices.  Monday is my weigh in - I'll be sure to post an update. 


  1. Yes - it IS common. But it is really important to remember to stay on schedule. Otherwise - if you skip - when you get to your next fueling you'll feel SUPER hungry and then you will likely blow it by overeating. Keeping the blood glucose level is really important. So stay on it!

  2. Ditto on what Chuck said. Hopefully, you confidence in choosing your lean & green is growing. We'll talk about dealing with the wedding on our call Wed.
