Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day Four of TSFL - Lean and Green Meal

Starting off today's post with a pic of my lean and green meal I made for lunch.  Cut up cucumber and am putting tuna on top of cucumbers and eating at once.  In the tuna I put two tsp of Olive Oil and 1 tsp of Rosemary. I believe this is all within my allowed standards for the lean and green.

and the verdict is... pretty good!  yesterday when I had my tuna I felt it was way too dry (didn't add anything). So, hopefully by combining with the cucumber to eat it will all be a good option.


  1. Excellent! Loving your blog Maureen. Stay the course and you WILL succeed. It has absolutely transformed my health and my life. Cheers!

  2. Great Maureen! Check out all the various options you have avaialble on the condiment list that I sent you. There are many fun things you can do with tuna...and chicken, fish, eggs, etc. Check out the recipe links in today's email - YUM!
