Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day I don't know...

I think it's time to go back to blogging. Mostly because I've been so bad lately abou staying on the path. I'm not completely off but I'm not making the best decisions either, for instance, halloween.  I had too many sweets. I didn't have nearly as many as I would have had a year ago today or even a few months ago but I definitely ate more than I wanted to.  Right now I'm at 135lbs and I want to lose another 10lbs.  

I'm struggling because I'm so close which I knew was going to happen. I'm about to head to DC for a conference tomorrow and planning to really just make very good choices - bringing Medifast meals with me and workout clothes.  Really going to try to be conscientious about my decision making in regards to my meals. 

I think I might need to go back to being very strict about my lean and green. If there's one thing I've gotten a bit slack on it's that. 

Wish me luck! Trying to find the motivation again!

1 comment:

  1. The motivation comes from within, and you've got it. Focus on what you want to create rather than what you want ot get rid of and put reminders everywhere! You can download this HoH call on resilience as a podcast, along with the others, and listen to them on the go. http://supportcallsonline.com/Support_Calls_Online/HOH/Entries/2013/10/2_TSFL_Habits_of_Health_Support_Call_49.html
