So I am offiically hitting a plauteau and to put it bluntyly, it sucks. I am incredibly discouraged and all I can say it's like a have a TSFL angel on one shoulder and a you're so incredibly stressed who cares devil on my other shoulder. Today was incredibly difficult for me in regards to so many emotions and just stress surrounding the wedding. I got up at 530am to go to the gym. Today was my swimming laps day so I was hoping to do 1,000 but instead I really couldn't get my goggles to be on okay so I swam 700 instead but was mostly just grumpy. I was grumpy mostly because I woke up for the second week weighing about 139lbs. I weighed in at some point at 138.6 then went up to 139.6 and just can't seem to dip below that for wahever the reason... I'm working out regularly and staying to the lean and green and doing things like I normally have. My body just doesn't want to cooperate.
So to get back to me being bad today. i slipped out of annoyance with the platueau. At lunch I had a salad (good, yes), corn (okay), and then s spoon full of potatoes. Obviously the potatoes was my slip up. I really enjoyed them but then felt very guilty that I was giving in with my willpower.
Tomorrow I'm doing the food tasting for the wedding so I'm a bit nervous where I'll be. I do not want to regress and lose my healthy habits but I really also want to see progress. :(